------ [INFO] Prepare remote import ---Downloaded files--- The import files for: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/static-assets.kubiobuilder.com/demo-sites/production/real-estate-free-1/content.kds were successfully downloaded! ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: init ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_templates ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_template_parts ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_menus ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_pages ------ [INFO] Imported "Uncategorized" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Primary menu" (nav_menu) ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "Untitled-1-1.png", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "Untitled-1.png", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "pixasquare-4ojhpgKpS68-unsplash1-scaled-e1637591398736.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "ralph-ravi-kayden-2d4lAQAlbDA-unsplash1-scaled-e1637591065262.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "clark-street-mercantile-P3pI6xzovu0-unsplash-1-scaled-e1637591311120.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "fikri-rasyid-ezeC8-clZSs-unsplash-1-scaled-e1637591348960.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "christiann-koepke-dQyS2pMYtok-unsplash-1-scaled-e1637591323152.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "nrd-D6Tu_L3chLE-unsplash-1-scaled-e1637591337117.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "chuttersnap-pJmx9oitvj4-unsplash1-scaled-e1637591280861.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "chris-lee-70l1tDAI6rM-unsplash-scaled-e1637591775846.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "sonnie-hiles-L0BaowhFe4c-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kam-idris-_HqHX3LBN18-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "shop-slo-vhztm9QC0L0-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "josh-hemsley-qPZWOXjUPtI-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "r-architecture-P_0tnQ8hb70-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "minh-pham-7pCFUybP_P8-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "ferdinand-asakome-oUdt2BJrLJE-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "christian-mackie-6BJu73-UJpg-unsplash1.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "pixasquare-4ojhpgKpS68-unsplash1-1024x1024-1.jpeg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-featured-image", fetching attachments disabled ------ [WARNING] Failed to import "": Invalid post type ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-default-attachment.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [INFO] Imported "Privacy Policy" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "Home" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sample Page" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "Privacy Policy" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "Overview" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Location" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Facilities" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Nearby" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Gallery" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Price" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "beach-landscape-sea-water-nature-sand-1061655-pxhere.com_.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "landscape-tree-water-nature-grass-outdoor-1327743-pxhere.com_.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "leaf-nature-water-green-freshness-dew-1440543-pxhere.com_.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-demo-video-cover.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-featured-image.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Full Width" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Index" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Search" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Product" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Post" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Footer" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Header" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Header" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "Blog" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "404" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Archive Product" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Left Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Right Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Custom Styles" (Global Styles) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sidebar" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact form 1" (Contact Form) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page Sidebar" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact form 1" (Contact Form) ------ [INFO] Posts post processing ------ [INFO] Create term `elevate-wp` in `wp_theme` ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #316) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the menu object for "" (post #316) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #317) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Privacy Policy" (post #318) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Home" (post #319) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sample Page" (post #320) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Privacy Policy" (post #321) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Overview" (post #322) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Location" (post #323) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Facilities" (post #324) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Nearby" (post #325) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Gallery" (post #326) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Price" (post #236) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact" (post #327) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem ipsum" (post #328) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #329) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Full Width" (post #330) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Index" (post #331) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page" (post #332) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Search" (post #333) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Product" (post #334) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Post" (post #335) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Footer" (post #336) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Header" (post #340) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Header" (post #346) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #359) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Blog" (post #360) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "404" (post #361) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Archive Product" (post #362) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Left Sidebar" (post #363) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Right Sidebar" (post #364) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Custom Styles" (post #365) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #300) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #366) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sidebar" (post #367) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact form 1" (post #249) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page Sidebar" (post #368) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact form 1" (post #369) ------ [INFO] Starting remapping of featured images